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One Simple Way To Take Care Of Your Piano

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An instrumental song played on the piano can be one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth. Society as a whole has enjoyed the sweet, rich sound that a piano can make for hundreds and hundreds of years. Thousands of people gather across the country to watch talented musicians share their musical gifts. Although the notes played by a piano can be ethereal, almost heavenly, it is crucial that the piano is properly in tune. Read More»

3 Major Roles Of A Successful Music Producer

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Advancements in technology and the expanding skill sets of creative individuals have led to a revolution in the way music production is handled. Music producers no longer operate within a limited scope. Instead, they are expected to be well-versed in a wide range of areas that can contribute to the overall success of a record. A good producer must be able to step into multiple roles in order to facilitate the production of quality music that people will want to buy. Read More»

Six Things You Should Do Before You Buy A Piano For The First Time

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Owning your own piano is great when you’re learning to play. However, there are numerous things you should do before purchasing a piano to make sure that you get the best instrument for your situation. The following are six things you should do before you buy a piano for the first time.  Understand what the costs will be for transporting the piano When you buy a piano, you don’t only have to pay the costs for purchasing the piano itself. Read More»

Tips To Help You Prepare To Learn To Play Piano

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To learn to play the piano as a child or an adult is a great adventure that can provide you with musical knowledge and improve the function of your left and right brain. There are many piano programs you can do on your own to teach yourself, but the best benefit comes from the guidance and teaching skills of a professional piano teacher to teach you to play the piano along with the technique and theory behind the notes and scales, but you will want to learn how to put expression and emotion into your playing. Read More»

How A Vocalist Producer Can Help You As A Budding Singer

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If you are a singer who is working on establishing a career, then you might be working really hard on your own. However, there is nothing wrong with seeking out a little bit of help, too. For example, even experienced singers often work with vocalist producers. As a beginner, you might benefit even more from working with one of these professionals. These are some of the ways that a vocalist producer can help you out as a budding singer. Read More»

3 Things Not to Forget During Your First Recording Studio Visit

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If you love music, you might be excited to get into the studio, record some tracks, and start selling your music to industry professionals and fans alike. However, those first few sessions in the studio can be stressful if it’s the first time you’ll play music in front of other people. Here are three things to remember when you head to the music studio for the first time.  1. Bring Extra Instruments Read More»

Music Radio Streaming Channels For Concentration

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To allow a razor-sharp focus on your work or study activity, you’ll need a music radio channel that can fade into the background but not bore you. This can be a fine line to tread, and what works best for one person may not work best for the next. So be sure to try several different things, and don’t try to force yourself to listen to a specific type of music. Read More»

Zoom Classical Piano Lessons

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A lot of things have changed in recent days with the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has affected everything, from the way people work, shop, and eat to how they spend time with friends and relatives and even how they continue to enjoy their hobbies. If you were taking classical piano lessons and had to stop because of the pandemic, then you will be glad to know that you can keep up with your lessons and you won’t have to leave the house. Read More»

6 Tips For Keeping Your Piano Well-Tuned

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If you own a piano and want to play it on a regular basis and not just use it as a decorative piece, you need to keep your piano tuned. There are steps you can take on your own to keep your piano tuned and other steps that will require professional assistance. Tip #1: Clean the Outside of Your Piano Start by dusting the outside of your piano. Ideally, you should dust the outside of your piano daily. Read More»

Seeing A Pop-Up Opera

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Many musicians can create very memorable performances in a spontaneous manner. It might be comparatively easy for singers to perform in this manner, at least relative to other musicians.  Flash Mob Performances Often Focus Specifically on Singing Because Staging Performances Like That is More Convenient It can be easier to arrange a pop-up musical performance if the musicians involved will mainly have to sing. No one has to bring any musical instruments with them in preparation for this surprise event. Read More»